Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
The Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) which replaces the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998, creates a comprehensive workforce development system. In a collaboration of multiple Federal Acts, WIOA provides a workforce development system to benefit job seekers, laid off workers, youth, incumbent workers, new entrants to the workforce, veterans, persons with disabilities, and employers. WIOA supports alignment of workforce investment, education and the economic development systems.
The purpose of WIOA activities is to promote an increase in the employment, job retention, earnings, and attainment of recognized post-secondary credentials by participants. This, in turn, improves the quality of the workforce and improves the productivity competitiveness of Defiance and Paulding counties.
If it is determined that you meet eligibility and suitability, training may be considered as an option for you.

We are proud to offer priority of services to U.S. Military Veterans and eligible spouses. Click here for details.
WIOA Offers You:
Career Services
- Job search assistance
- Labor market information (which identifies job vacancies; skills needed for in-demand jobs; and local, regional, and national employment trends)
- Initial assessment of skills and needs
- Information about and costs for local training providers
- Follow-up services to help customers keep their jobs once they are placed
- Workshops (Resume, Interviewing, Job Search)
- Development of individual employment plans
- Case management
Student Aid on the Web
Student Aid on the Web provides in-depth information on all the U.S. Department of Education’s student aid programs (grants, work-study and loans) and on how to apply.
Training Services
- Occupational skills training
- On-the-job training
- Cooperative education programs, and private sector training programs
Before being considered for training you must first:
- Actively look for a job.
- Be determined eligible for WIOA.
- Work with a counselor to develop a long-term employment plan.
- Invest your time to improve your basic skills (if necessary).
- Pursue a career that is WIOA Eligible Training Provider List.
- Exhaust all other possible funding (including Pell Grant funds)
- Contact OhioMeansJobs Defiance County at 419-784-3777 or Paulding County at 419-399-3345